Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Hey, welcome back!
I'm Cassidy, your Love Coach, and on this blog, we talk about thriving relationships and how to live a life full of pleasure and purpose.
In today's post, we're diving into a topic that's often misunderstood: true self-care. What does it actually mean to practice self-care? How can you do it in a practical way when you need it the most?
If this resonates with you, then keep reading!
What comes to mind when you think about self-care?
Is it maybe a bubble bath or a pedicure?
These are the kinds of things we're usually shown as being “self-care activities.” But today, I want to offer a new perspective. Self-care isn’t some prescriptive thing. There isn’t a specific checklist for how to properly care for yourself.
Sure, there are foundational things like taking care of our health by getting good sleep, eating well, and moving our bodies. But self-care goes so much further beyond that. It's much more about your connection with yourself and practicing that moment by moment.
A Moment of Reflection: My Personal Experience
Just yesterday, I was doing some computer work in the office when I noticed that my body was signaling it was ready for a break. So, I stepped away from my computer, left the office, and went outside.
I put my bare feet on the earth, let the sunshine hit my face, took a few deep breaths, and after just a few minutes of that, I felt so recharged and ready to get back to my work.
It’s moments like these that remind me how far I’ve come with my self-care practice. Years ago, when Matt and I were building a real estate investment company, I was also working as a realtor, managing a team of realtors, and running an investment club. I thought I was practicing good self-care.
I developed some really good habits like getting a good sleep, eating well, and doing yoga and meditation in the morning. But then, I would dive into the rest of my day without taking the time to pause and connect with myself and my body to notice what I was needing.
The Shift: From Habits to True Self-Connection
I remember the constant hustle—working nonstop without real pauses.
I’d push through my to-do list, making sure I hit all the deadlines, yet feeling exhausted and drained at the end of each day.
It wasn’t until I started truly listening to my body’s signals and honoring them—whether that meant stepping outside for a breath of fresh air or just taking a few moments to sit in silence—that I felt the true power of self-care.
Self-care isn’t about squeezing a few “relaxation activities” into an otherwise packed day. It’s about building a relationship with yourself and honoring what you need in each moment, as those needs arise.
So, how can you practice this deeper form of self-care in your daily life? Here are some practical tips:
● Pause and check in: Take a moment throughout the day to ask yourself, “How am I feeling right now?”
● Honor your body’s signals: When you notice that your body is tired, anxious, or needs a change of pace, give yourself permission to respond.
● Create micro-breaks: Step outside, take a few deep breaths, or close your eyes for a moment and tune into your breath.
● Incorporate joyful movement: Whether it’s a quick stretch, a short walk, or dancing to your favorite song, movement can be a form of self-care.
Final Thoughts: Making Self-Care a Lifestyle
True self-care isn’t something you can put on a to-do list and check off. It’s about connecting with yourself in the present moment, recognizing what you need, and giving yourself permission to honor those needs.
Remember, there’s no one right way to do this. Self-care can look different for everyone. It’s all about being attuned to yourself and cultivating a deeper relationship with who you are.
Ready to take the next step in your self-care journey?
Download my free guide, “17 Habits for an Outstanding Relationship”, to discover even more ways to connect with yourself and build healthier, more fulfilling relationships.
Love + Pleasure Coach
I help you find deep pleasure in your life, body, business and relationship so you can live a thriving life aligned with your purpose.