Heart Opening Meditation

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Blog/Heart Opening Meditation

Is there a way to experience more love and gratitude without changing your external circumstances?

I've written quite a lot about the many ways to experience more love in your life and in your relationship.(See Love Whatever Arises, Using the 5 Love Languages in Your Relationship, Experiencing True Intimacy, Mirco-Moments of Love, and more...))

​Ultimately. these are all ways that you can practice feeling love.

Your Ever-Changing Brain

Every time you choose to feel love (or gratitude, joy, or any other emotion), you are strengthening the neural pathways in the brain and nervous system that are related to experiencing that feeling.

The neural circuitry of the brain is changing all the time, with every new experience - a process known as neural plasticity.

The thoughts and feelings that we have over and over again create a stronger neural network for those thoughts and feelings, making it easier and easier to experience them in the future.

So, by intentionally practicing a certain emotion, it becomes easier to experience that emotion.

The more you practice feeling love, the more easily you will feel love. The more you practice feeling gratitude, the more you will find yourself defaulting to a state of gratitude.

​The emotions we practice feeling the most often (whether consciously or unconsciously) are the emotions that we will default to the most.

Practicing Love

I've offered many suggestions in previous blog posts for practicing love, but this is perhaps the easiest way to make a habit of practicing love.

I recorded a Heart Opening Meditation for you that is designed to help you practice the pattern of experiencing love in your mind, body, heart, and spirit.

Listen to this Heart Opening Meditation every day for 30 days, ideally first thing in the morning.

It is important to practice for at least 30 days to notice a difference in the way you feel. Strengthening neural pathways take time and repetition.

The great news is that neural pathways that don't get used wear out and disintegrate over time. So, every time you choose to practice feeling love, you are directing your energy to strengthening that neural pathway, rather than another less desirable one (like stress or worry).

​Choose love. ❤️🙏

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Hey, I'm Cassidy!

Love + Pleasure Coach

I help you find deep pleasure in your life, body, business and relationship so you can live a thriving life aligned with your purpose.