Most People Give up in 32 Days

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Blog/Uncategorized/Most People Give up in 32 Days

Did you know that it takes 32 days for the average person to give up on their New Year’s resolutions?

Well, it’s been 32 days, so let’s refocus to keep you on track to reaching your goals

First things first.

Before focusing on what you want to achieve or DO in 2023, focus on who you want to BE.

Of course, you are always you, unchanging at your deepest essence.

​So how can you live more in alignment with that essence?

Here are 3 steps to help you close the gap between your fullest potential and who you are actually being in this moment:

1. Ask yourself: Who am I at my absolute best? When I am feeling energized and in love with life, what virtues/qualities do I embody?

2. What target do I have in my life that will allow me to put those virtues into action as I move toward it?

3. What is 1 thing I can do TODAY to move toward this target and put my virtues in action?

… then, go close the gap and feel the soul satisfaction that comes along with living in alignment with your essence…

​& repeat tomorrow, x 365!


A big part of making meaningful progress toward the targets that are important to you is alignment.

Are the goals you have TRUE desires?

Meaning, are they goals that are aligned with your deepest sense of purpose?

Or are they goals that have been influenced by your family, social narratives and expectations, or your own false stories of yourself and your capabilities?​

That’s why in my coaching sessions, the first thing we do is get crystal clear on your true desires.

Then, we work to shine a light on any obstacles that may be impeding your progress toward those desires, and empower the parts of you that give you the energy to take action.

If you’re serious about reaching your goals this year in a way that feels fulfilling and empowering, find out how personalized coaching will help you get there faster, and in greater alignment with your purpose.

Click here for more information or to book a free consultation.✨

Lots of Love,


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Hey, I'm Cassidy!

Love + Pleasure Coach

I help you find deep pleasure in your life, body, business and relationship so you can live a thriving life aligned with your purpose.