The Foundation of your Relationship

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Blog/The Foundation of your Relationship

The Foundation of your Relationship

An intimate partnership is a beautiful thing.

What do we really want from a relationship?

Yes, we want companionship, a person with whom to share the passing of the days.

But we want more than that. We want someone who can see us as we truly are, and who can see us as the best we can be. We want someone who will be there to remind us of what that best is, and lovingly nudge us in that direction.

We want someone who can be a mirror for us, to remind us of what needs healing in ourselves, and who can hold space for us to do that healing.

A beautiful relationship is one in which two humans are supporting one another in becoming the best version of themselves. Supporting one another in becoming more of who they really are. Supporting one another in chipping away at anything in the way of their pure love shining through. And loving each other through the mess that comes along with that.

So how do we do this, practically?

It takes a willingness to be vulnerable. To allow all parts of yourself to be seen, by yourself and your partner. This requires you and your partner to create a safe space for each other in your relationship. Where no emotion or experience is judged by the other, but rather met with love.

This takes an effort to love whatever arises. To meet any emotion or experience that comes up within yourself with love, and allow it to be there, and to do the same for your partner.

When this foundation of safety, vulnerability, and love is present in your relationship, you've got a solid base from which you can grow together.

Without this solid foundation, attempts at personal growth and growth as a couple can easily become an experience of not feeling enough, not feeling fully accepted by your partner, and feeling like there is always something wrong with you or your relationship.

With this solid foundation, when turbulence comes up, you can recognize that it is not something wrong with the relationship, but rather a beautiful opportunity to grow together.

Establishing this foundation is not a one time thing. It takes continuous intention and nurturing. It takes meeting yourself and your partner with love over and over again, every day.

The work is never done, but luckily, it is the most rewarding work you can do.

Love Fully,
​Cass & Matt

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Hey, I'm Cassidy!

Love + Pleasure Coach

I help you find deep pleasure in your life, body, business and relationship so you can live a thriving life aligned with your purpose.