Wednesday, November 20, 2024
7 years ago I never would have imagined I’d be here today helping couples turn their intimacy into their superpower.
For me, sex was feeling like my kryptonite rather than my superpower.☢️☠️
Matt & I had a deeply loving relationship. We were building a successful business together, traveling and having adventures…
And even though most areas of our relationship were great…
Our sex life felt like a puzzle we couldn’t solve.🧩
We had a mismatch in desire.
I felt numb in my body, and wasn’t experiencing orgasm (aside from what felt like a couple of “flukes”)...
I remember hearing someone on the radio talking about how some percentage of the population is asexual.
“That must be it”, I thought. “My body just doesn’t work right. I’m just not sexual”.
I felt disheartened. I knew that physical intimacy was important to Matt, and I really wanted to feel the connection and pleasure that I thought I should.
Even though Matt was very understanding, I would often feel guilt or shame for my lack of interest.
I remember Matt asking me what I want, and what he could do to help make my experience better. I couldn’t give him an answer.
All I could do was cry.
The impact of this sexual disconnect impacted other areas of our life too...
It was like a subtle underlying friction that we managed to ignore or sidestep most of the time.
But we knew that something needed to change.
We knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, so either we would figure this out, or we would resign to a lackluster sex life for the rest of our lives.
One day we were driving home from the airport late at night, and we stumbled upon a podcast episode about sacred sexuality.
The guests were a couple in their 60s who had been happily married for decades.
And, their sex life was thriving.
Their secret?
Daily intimacy.
For many years, this couple had spent time connecting sexually in some way every day.
We had arrived in our driveway and stayed sitting there in the dark as we listened to this couple.
Neither of us moved. I could feel the heaviness of something important in the air.
The couple suggested that people could start by trying 30 days of daily intimacy.
We looked at each other.
Without words, our expressions said “are we doing this?”.
At that moment I felt a wave of resistance wash over me.
“This is crazy. I’ve been AVOIDING sex - am I really signing myself up for 30 days of daily intimacy?”
But there was another part of me that knew I needed to say yes.
“The obstacle is the way”, I told myself.
So, we started our daily intimacy practice that night.
And, 5 years later, we haven’t stopped.
Our daily intimacy practice forced us to address the things that weren’t working. We could no longer hide from the challenges.
We started learning more about sacred sexuality, holistic sexuality, and how to treat sex as a practice.
We dove into Tantra, Taoist sacred sexuality, communication, and all the relationship skills we could get our hands on.
Books, courses, coaching…
We kept moving through the resistance and stayed committed when we felt like making excuses. We kept learning and peeling back layers.
We kept going because our daily intimacy practice wasn’t just giving us more pleasure, more mind-blowing sexual experiences, and deeper connection…
The impact was spilling over into the rest of our lives too.
We felt more playful and patient with each other, we both had more confidence and creativity, we were able to tap into our truth and do a lot of healing in the process. We used our sexual energy to manifest epic things in our lives.
And, the world just felt more sparkly.
Our Conscious Intimacy practice was giving us more than multiple-orgasms and out-of-body experiences.
It had become a portal for our personal and mutual growth. A path of self-actualization.
Our greatest relationship weakness had become our SUPERPOWER.
I felt like screaming from the rooftops: “WHY ISN’T EVERYONE DOING THIS???!!”
I took this passion and became a certified Sex, Love and Relationship Coach.
Now we’ve taken what we’ve learned through all of the struggle, searching, trial and error, learning, and practice…
And we’ve created the Conscious Intimacy Program - the roadmap we wish WE would have had all those years ago, so that you can level up your intimacy without all of the confusion and struggle we went through.
I want more couples to experience the ripple effect of a next-level intimate life.
I LOVE seeing how people’s whole lives light up when they tap into the power of Conscious Intimacy.
So, I’m inviting YOU to get started on your Conscious Intimacy practice today and see how your relationship and life transforms.
You might be like me, feeling the resistance, fear or doubt.
Remember, our infinite potential exists on the other side of our comfort zone (which, by definition, is UNCOMFORTABLE!)
5 years from now, will your intimate life be a source of fuel for your relationship and your life?
Or, will you be slowly drifting downhill?
Set yourself on a new relationship trajectory today.
Get all the details here.
Here’s what one couple had to say:
“To us, sex is an important part of our relationship, but now we have a completely different and refreshed look at how sex is a special ceremony rather than a to-do.
Matt and Cass shared with us physical and nonphysical concepts to improve our awareness, connection and presence with each other that has taken our relationship to another level.”
-Cierra & Mike
Get started today!
With Love,
Hey, whatcha doing all the way down here? If you’re ready for the next level of your relationship, don’t wait any longer - let’s do this!
Love + Pleasure Coach
I help you find deep pleasure in your life, body, business and relationship so you can live a thriving life aligned with your purpose.