5 Intentional Moments to go from Mundane to Magic in your Relationship

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Blog/5 Intentional Moments to go from Mundane to Magic in your Relationship

Do you want to experience less of the mundane, and more of the magical in your relationship?

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that it is the big moments that make the magic in your relationship. At the same time, it’s easy to go through a whole day in mundane-land, without intentionally, meaningfully connecting with your partner. And, it’s easy to excuse this by waiting for your next date or the next holiday to bring in the magic again.

While the big moments and special occasions might be the most memorable in your relationship, it is truly the small day-to-day moments that define your relationship and infuse it with that magic in the long term.

Staying in the Flow of Love

In our own relationship, we think of this as “staying in the flow of love”.

We notice a distinct difference when we maintain an open channel of love between us. Not only do we feel more connected to each other, more playful, and more loving, but individually we also notice the impact beyond the relationship.

Personally, I find myself more able to keep an open heart as I move through the world, which improves my interactions with everyone I encounter, helps me face challenges with more ease and flow, brings more creative power to my work, and keeps the big picture and my purpose in focus.

Keeping an open heart also helps us feel more deeply connected to ourselves.

We have more access to the fullness of our being when we are in the flow of love.

Ultimately, keeping an open heart and staying in the flow of love is essential on the path of self-actualization.

A Simple way to Cultivate the Magic

The beautiful thing is that it is simple to apply this powerful concept and bring more magic into your relationship and life.

First, make a conscious commitment to practicing staying in the flow of love as much of the time as possible.

​Then, create a daily habit of 5 Intentional Moments of Love per day.

Some examples of intentional moments of love include:

● When your partner is talking to you, look them in your eyes and give them your full presence.

● Leave a love note on their pillow, or write a message on the mirror.

● When you walk in the door, give your partner a big hug, kiss, and your full presence before doing anything else.

● Call or text just to say I love you.

● Offer a massage.

​● Do something that will be helpful to your partner, as an act of love.

These are all examples, but what really defines an Intentional Moment of Love is intention.

Any small thing that you do to intentionally express your love and connect with your partner is an Intentional Moment of

To make these moments of love even more sweet, find out what your partner’s Love Language is.

As Gary Chapman teaches in his book, each of us has particular ways of receiving love that are much more impactful than others. We tend to give our partner love in the same way that we like to receive love, since that is what comes most naturally.

​It takes a bit of effort and a bit of practice to give love to your partner in the way they best receive it, but it is well worth it! Learn about the 5 Love Languages here.

What you Measure Improves

To really experience the power of the 5 Intentional Moments of Love per day, it is important to track your 5 Moments, and complete them every day.

Set up a system for yourself to remind you to create the 5 Moments, and to check them off.

This part might not seem very romantic, but the results definitely are!

Some suggestions for tracking:

● If you use a journal or day planner, draw 5 circles on your planner each day to represent the 5 Moments, and check off a circle for each Moment you create.

● Use a habit tracking app (like Heroic) to check off each Moment.

​● Set 5 alarms or reminders on your phone each day to prompt you.

For more help in creating habits that actually stick, read this blog post.

Don’t let the Valentine’s day magic fizzle back into the mundane, and don’t wait for the next date night or holiday to bring back the magic.

​Use the 5 Intentional Moments Love to keep the sizzle going!

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Hey, I'm Cassidy!

Love + Pleasure Coach

I help you find deep pleasure in your life, body, business and relationship so you can live a thriving life aligned with your purpose.